SASSETA Inservice Training/internships Programme 2025-2027

CLOSING DATE: 17 March 2025

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development(DOJ&CD) invite all the unemployed graduates and N6 TVETstudents to apply for Departmental graduates and In-service training programme to gain workplace experience in the field of study illustrated below.

The D0J&CD is an equal opportunity,affirmative action employer. Candidates with disability are encouraged to apply.


The Youth Development Internship Programme is for aduration of 24 months and the TVET Internship Programme is fora duration of 18 months.

Who should apply?

Unemployed South African graduates and TVET students, with a tertiary qualification in one of the above-mentioned fields of study,who has not previously participated in any internship programme and In-service training.


Interested applicants must submit their applications for internship programme to the address specified below.

The application must include completed and signed Form Z83,obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, a CV, Certified copies of ldentity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the interview date.

Application that do not comply with the above specifications will not be considered and will be disqualified.

Direct your application using the address indicated below:

NATIONAL OFFICE ADDRESS: Private Bag X81, PRETORIA, 0001 or Hand deliver to 329 Pretorius Street, C/o Pretorius and Sisulu Street, PRETORIA,0001ENQUIRIES: Ms. Samantha Fisher (012) 315 4843 or Mr. Tokelo Moja ( (012) 315 4847 or Mr. Setshaba Mofokeng ( (012) 315 1456

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