REF NO: Q9/2025/02
STIPEND : R89 409 per annum
CENTRE : National Office, Pretoria: Human Resource Management
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification: NQF level 7: HRM/Public Admin/Labour Relation/ HRD
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Thipe Tel No: (012) 399 0185
APPLICATIONS : National office: direct your application to Independent police investigative
directorate, Benstra building, 473 Stanza Bopape & Steve Biko Street, arcadia
Pretoria, 0001 or Please indicate the post name
& reference number on the subject line when applying through email


REF NO: Q9/2025/03
STIPEND : R89 409 per annum
CENTRE : National Office, Pretoria: Information and communication Technology.
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification: NQF level 6 & 7: ICT related
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Thipe Tel No: (012) 399 0185
APPLICATIONS : National office: direct your application to Independent police investigative
directorate, Benstra building, 473 Stanza Bopape & Steve Biko Street, arcadia
Pretoria, 0001, or Please indicate the post name
& reference number on the subject line when applying through email


REF NO: Q9/2025/04
STIPEND : R89 409 per annum
CENTRE : National Office: Pretoria: Office of the Executive Director
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification: NQF level 7: Public Management/Administration
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Thipe Tel No: (012) 399 0185
APPLICATIONS : National office: direct your application to Independent police investigative
directorate, Benstra building, 473 Stanza Bopape & Steve Biko Street, arcadia
Pretoria, 0001, or Please indicate the post name
& reference number on the subject line when applying through email


REF NO: Q9/2025/05
STIPEND : R89 409 per annum
CENTRE : Provincial Office: Mpumalanga (Nelspruit): Corporate Services
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification: NQF level 7: Public Management/Administration / HRM
ENQUIRIES : Mr. L. Sebothoma Tel No: (013) 754 1000
APPLICATIONS : Mpumalanga: Independent Police Investigative Directorate, hand delivery to
48 Brown Street 1st floor, Nelspruit,1200 or
Please indicate the post name & reference number on the subject line when applying
through email


REF NO: Q9/2025/06
STIPEND : R89 409 per annum
CENTRE : Provincial office: Gauteng (Johannesburg): Corporate Services
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification: NQF level 7: Public Management/Administration / HRM
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M. Tshabalala Tel No: (011) 220 1500
APPLICATIONS : Gauteng: Independent Police Investigation directorate, hand deliver to 20
Albert Street, Bramfischer Tower Building, 8th floor, Marshalltown,
Johannesburg or Please indicate the post name &
reference number on the subject line when applying through email


REF NO: Q9/2025/07
STIPEND : R89 409 per annum
CENTRE : Provincial Office: Kwa-Zulu Natal (Durban): Corporate Services
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification: NQF level 7: Public Management/Administration / HRM
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Ndlovu Tel No: (031) 310 1300
APPLICATIONS : Kwa-Zulu Natal: (Independent Police Investigative Directorate, Private Bag X54303,
4000 hand deliver to
3rd floor the Marine building
22 Dorothy Nyembe Street or Please indicate the post name
& reference number on the subject line when applying through email


REF NO: Q9/2025/08
STIPEND : R89 409 per annum
CENTRE : Provincial Office: North West (Mahikeng): Corporate Services
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification: NQF level 7: Public Management/Administration / HRM
ENQUIRIES : Ms. L Maamogwa Tel No: (018) 397 2500
APPLICATIONS : North West: Independent Police Investigative Directorate, hand deliver to NO.1
Station Road, Molopo shopping Centre, Mafikeng, 2745 or Please indicate the post name & reference number
on the subject line when applying through email

CLOSING DATE : 24 January 2025
NOTE : The Independent Police Investigative Directorate is offering opportunities to
unemployed South Africans University Graduates who have not been exposed
to work experience related to their qualifications., Application quoting the
reference number must be made to the province of residence and be submitted
through the addresses depicted under each post. Learners must be youth
between the ages of 18 to 35 as at the start date of the placement. Applicants
are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on applications but must submit Z83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Applications quoting the correct reference number must be submitted on
the new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at .Received applications using the incorrect
application form (old Z83) will not be considered. Each application for
employment form must be fully completed, signed and initialed by the
applicant. Failure to sign this form may lead to disqualification of the application
during the selection process. A recently updated, comprehensive CV as well
as a fully completed and initialed new signed Z83 (Section A, B, C & D are
compulsory and section E, F and G are not compulsory if CV it is attached).
However, the question related to conditions that prevent re-appointment under
Part-F must be answered. Affidavit confirming that you have not participated in
a similar Programme before. Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit
Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification; it must be accompanied
by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) (only when shortlisted). Applicants who do not comply with the above￾mentioned requirements, as well as applications received late, will not be
considered. Due to the large number of applications we envisage to receive,
applications will not be acknowledged, if you have not been contacted within
three (3) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful. Correspondence will be limited to short￾listed candidates only. Therefore, only shortlisted candidate for the post will be
required to submit the documents on or before the date of the interview. The
successful candidate will have to undergo security vetting. His / her character
should be beyond reproach. The appointment is subject to security clearance,
verification of qualifications and competency assessment (criminal record,
citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment
verification). Applicants must declare any pending criminal, disciplinary or any
other allegations or investigations against them. Should this be uncovered
during / after the interview took place, the application will not be considered
and in the unlikely event, that the person has been appointed such appointment
will be terminated. The successful candidate will be appointed subject to
positive results of the security vetting process. All applicants are required to
declare any conflict or perceived conflict of interest, to disclose memberships
of Boards and directorships that they may be associated with.

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) is an equal opportunity and affirmative action
employer. It is our intention to promote representatively in terms of race, gender and disability within the
Department through the filling of posts.
CLOSING DATE : 24 January 2025
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on applications but must submit Z83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Applications quoting the correct reference number must be submitted on
the new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at . Received applications using the incorrect
application form (old Z83) will not be considered. Each application for
employment form must be fully completed, signed and initialled by the
applicant. Failure to sign this form may lead to disqualification of the application
during the selection process. A recently updated, comprehensive CV as well
as a fully completed and initialled new signed Z83 (Section A, B, C & D are
compulsory and section E, F and G are not compulsory if CV it is attached).
However, the question related to conditions that prevent re-appointment under
Part-F must be answered. Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit
Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification; it must be accompanied
by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) (only when shortlisted). All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will
be subjected to a technical competency exercise that intends to test relevant
technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by
the Department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend competency assessment using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. Furthermore, the
requirements for appointments at Senior Management Service level include
the successful completion of Senior Management Pre-entry Programme as
endorsed by the National School of Government. Applicants should indicate on
their CV’s that they have registered or they have completed the Pre-entry
Certificate, which can be accessed using the following link: No
appointment will take place without the successful completion of the pre-entry
certificate and submission of proof thereof. Applicants who do not comply with
the above-mentioned requirements, as well as applications received late, will
not be considered. Due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive, applications will not be acknowledged, if you have not been contacted
within three (3) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. Correspondence will be limited
to short-listed candidates only. Therefore, only shortlisted candidate for the
post will be required to submit the documents on or before the date of the
interview. The successful candidate will have to undergo security vetting. His /
her character should be beyond reproach. The appointment is subject to
security clearance, verification of qualifications and competency assessment
(criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and
employment verification). Applicants must declare any pending criminal,
disciplinary or any other allegations or investigations against them. Should this
be uncovered during / after the interview took place, the application will not be
considered and in the unlikely event, that the person has been appointed such
appointment will be terminated. The successful candidate will be appointed
subject to positive results of the security vetting process. All applicants are
required to declare any conflict or perceived conflict of interest, to disclose
memberships of Boards and directorships that they may be associated with.
The successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of 12
months and will be required to sign a performance agreement. The suitable
candidate will be selected with the intention of promoting representivity and
achieving affirmative action targets as contemplated in the Department’s
Employment Equity Plan. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate
reserves the right to fill or not fill the below-mentioned posts.

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