Harmony Gold Learnerships Application 2024/2025
How to Apply for Harmony Gold Learnerships 2024/2025.
Harmony Gold are a gold mining and exploration company operating in South Africa and Papua New Guinea. Harmony Gold is at thefore front of gold mining – they are the third biggest gold mining firm in South Africa, and the biggest gold mining firm in the world.
Harmony Gold Learnerships are available tocandidates who wish to pursue a career in oneof the following fields:
• Rigger
•Boilermaker/ Plater Electrician
• Fitter
• Instrument
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted and required to undergo a medical fitness exam,conducted by the Harmony Gold occupational
Health Centre. Successful candidates will alsobe required to attend an interview.
If you do not receive any feedback within 3months of the application closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.
Candidates interested in applying for this learnership position should ensure that they meet the following criteria – failure to meet ALL of these requirements will result in your application being denied.
requirements will result in your application being denied.
• South African citizen Completed Matric OR technical Matric
• N2 with relevant trade theory
•Completed a qualification in your field of application
•Good command of the English language (ableto read, write and speak English)
•Have a drivers licence Have your own reliable transport
• In good health – medically fit
•Work well within a team
•Willing to work outside of normal working hours if required
•Willing to do required standby duties
• Comply with company procedures and policies
•Good communication skills
• Follow safety and health protocols
Email :Jacob.Makati@harmony.co.za
You may be required to submit copies of the
following documents:
•South African ldentity document (certifiedcopy)
•Matric certificate (certified copy)
•Qualification certificate (certified copy)
•Curriculum Vitae
•Covering letter
Closing date :14 July 2024